Chris Cooper's Watch

(which has, so far, spent several years being repaired)

``My watch was timed by a tuning fork,
Made when quartzing was all just talk.
But then it sadly one day broke.''
- Such were the words that C.C. spoke.

``How much time do you think it cost
To return that watch that once I lost,
`To face that cruel repairers tease,
Do come back tomorrow please .' ?''

`` `I'm waiting on a new Swiss part,'
- Procrastinate! A master's art -
Or : `I only need to drill the case,
And I do that at my own pace.' ''

Does this repairer frankly know
How to make C.C.'s watch-ling go?
Or could it be there's more to this
Than just one tiny broken piece?

Now youthful Einsteins first-time trade
Was as a watchmaker always paid.
Do these men who work with time
Learn more than just their tradesman's line?

Does a secret somewhere lurk,
In each watch repairer's work?
Who will apply to the A.R.C.
To study the watch of Dr C.?

For (i) C.C. is a busy star,
Lectures, tuts, and MQR,
Racing fast to some strange place,
Perhaps he warped his watch time-space!

And (ii) speed C is that of light,
Perhaps C.C. means that speed twice!
(iii) That E equals M C ² ,
Did C.C.'s watch need that repaired?

What mysteries would the world not learn,
If ever one did that watch return?
So yes, C.C., much time will pass,
Before your watchmaker completes his task.

Greg Baker 6.8.93

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