PROBABLE Prediction 1996.24 [CROSS]

Submitted 25th September 1995 by Dr Louis Turi
([email protected])


Moroccan terrorist activity to increase

Objective measurement:

20% more people will be killed in Western Europe as a result of terrorist activity attributed to Moroccan forces in 1996 than in 1995.




Operation of Mars

Further comments:

@ - Important - this prediction can not be re-printed without the permission of Horus House Press, Inc. or Dr Turi.
If interested in the publication of this prediction E. Mail or call (619) 275-5853 - (619) 275-4416 - (608) 537-2383, or send $25.00 S&H included to Dr. Turi 1325 Elevation Rd - San Diego, CA, 92110.. You can reproduce this prediction on E-Mail only to others that might be interested.

Personally I heard of no-one in Europe being killed by Moroccan terrorists, but I don't follow European news all that much. Savageland can find any mention of ANY Moroccan terrorists doing anything; and if she can't find it, it ain't there. ;-)

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