PROBABLE Prediction 1996.27 [CROSS]

Submitted 25th September 1995 by Dr Louis Turi
([email protected])


Start of an internal US religious war

Objective measurement:

50 people will be killed, and 10 churches (buildings acknowledge as sanctified by the Baptist, Episcopalian, Uniting or Presbyterian Unions) will be burnt down, with responsibility claimed by persons or groups claiming a religious conviction for doing so.


During April 1996.


The operation of Mars will affect the relationships between the Christian coalition versus the liberal party and later on confrontations with Muslims and Christians religions right here in the US.

Further comments:

In full action 1997/1998. The operation of destructive Mars will affect the relationship between the Christian coalition versus the liberal party and later on confrontation with Muslims and Christians religions right here in the US.

@ - Important - this prediction can not be re-printed without the permission of Horus House Press, Inc. or Dr Turi.
If interested in the publication of this prediction E. Mail or call (619) 275-5853 - (619) 275-4416 - (608) 537-2383, or send $25.00 S&H included to Dr. Turi 1325 Elevation Rd - San Diego, CA, 92110.. You can reproduce this prediction on E-Mail only to others that might be interested.

Problems of this magnitude would have been reported in the Christian media in detail. There would have been prayer letters and reminders across the world had this been happening. - GdB

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