PROBABLE Prediction 1996.41 [CROSS]

Submitted 27 Nov 1995 by William Drinkwater
[email protected]


That a Russian-design nuclear reactor will explode in Eastern Europe.

Objective measurement:

Self-evident by explosion.


In 1996


Because this design of nuclear reactors are inherently unstable, and the Russians took the opreating manuals with them when they were kicked out of Rumania, for example. These reactors are an accident waiting to happen, and if not dismantled one will surely eventually explode. A tv program showed a Rumanian 'engineer'running a nuclear power plant -moving levers, etc with a lit cigarette in his hand. There are several hundred of these unstable, ticking time bombs in Eastern Europe. They are the primary cheap power source for several of the countries in the area, and therein lies the reluctance to dismantle them.

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