PROBABLE Prediction 1998.3 [CROSS]

Submitted 11th April, 1996 by Gene Olson
[email protected]


Temple built on "Dome of the Rock".

Objective measurement:

A Jewish religious service is conducted in a building built on that site.


Building will be built by 1997, service by 1998.


Every year around October-November highly religious isreali's attempt to build the temple about 400 feet from the current moslem mosque. Every year, they are dragged away by the police. This year it maybe different - the government may allow them to build the temple (and side with the Isreali's). The temple is constructed exactly as existed in Jesus's time.

Further comments:

The Palestinians, knowing about the second coming, have blocked off the western gate and placed a graveyard outside the western gate. (It is blasphemy for a religious person to walk through a graveyard.)

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